CANADA/ENVIRONMENT - The Green Party of Canada, which boasted 6.78% of the popular vote during the October 2008 election, has dropped below 3.2% according to a new poll by Nanos Research.
The Green Party of Canada was founded in 1983, but in 27 years they've never won an actual seat in parliament. The only seat they've ever had was when independent MP Blair Wilson joined the Green Party in August 2008, but he was defeated in the election 2 months later before he even got a chance to sit in parliament as an official Green party member.
Since that election the Green Party has wallowed in a trail of disappointment because of their inability to even get their leader, Elizabeth May, elected.
Plucky Elizabeth May, whom might remind you of your mother or grandmother, may be a good leader of her party, and she might be fiery and able to hold her own, but Canadians don't seem to be interested in her beyond the 6.78% of Canadians who voted Green back in 2008.
FACT: Green Party membership is down over 60% since 2008.
FACT: The Green party is in debt and cannot afford many ads this year, relying instead on the internet.
And we should note WHY some Canadians voted for the Greens in 2008.
"I am voting Green because I want them to become an official party," was the common refrain of Green supporters during 2008. This idea of wanting the Greens to become an official party was repeated again and again, begging the question of whether their supporters even knew what the Green Party's platform was beyond environmentalism.
Well, to be blunt, they don't have much of a platform beyond that. Their idea of health care is basically to keep throwing money at Canada's healthcare system and hope that fixes the shortage of doctors and personnel. (What actually should be done is more scholarships and grants to help people go through university for medical fields.)
And on the economics side the Green Party wants to create more green jobs. Yeehaw, no brainer there.
What you realize in the wake of that election and the increasingly status of the Green Party is that they were just a fad.
I am sorry Elizabeth May, but your party was nothing more than a fad driven by voters under the age of 30. (Author's note, I am friends with Elizabeth May on Facebook so there is a small chance she will read this and be none-too-happy.)
And while the Green Party (and their supporters) like to claim they got 10% to 14% support in polls, the fact that they got only 6.78% of the popular vote suggests that during this election they will do even worse.
Polling at 3.2% suggests that is either the hardcore refuse-to-die never-say-quit supporters who will show up on election day and have a choice to make...
Do they A, vote for the Green Party and throw their vote away.
Or B, vote Liberal and actually vote for a party that can defeat Stephen Harper and end 5 years of Conservative corruption?
And to make matters worse Elizabeth May has been shut out of the televised election debates and is whining about it worse than Preston Manning (ah, that brings back memories). The last thing Canadians will vote for is someone who whines about their situation.
Its time for Canadians to look to the future by changing the Conservatives and Liberals into more environmentally friendly political parties. Change them from the INSIDE.
We'd argue that the Liberal Party has seen the light and changed its ways. The Conservatives need to be defeated and cut off from their dirty oil money before they will see the error of their ways. The question now is how Canadians will vote and whether they will finally end 5 years of Conservative corruption.
American, Canadian, Toronto & International News Commentary: Spreading Freedom in the Face of Tyranny
April 7, 2011
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