Its a bit like the fashion recessionista craze going on right now, but is more like a general entertainment/shopping site for everything recession-ish.
Not a bad idea I think. Its a good site to help kill those recession blues.
The site also has the look and feel of a blog, so its easy to get around and includes some random celebrity shenanigans (Britney Spears, Paris Hilton et al), with updates/giggles on the Screw You Recession Twitter page.
(I admit, I was looking for an excuse to use the word Shenanigans in honour of St. Patrick's Day.)

1. Get a new job if yours was lost.
2. Learn a new skill so that you can get the job.
3. Help the homeless so that you can feel better that at least you have a house.
4. Don't sell your house cause it's a buyers market, not a sellers market.
5. Notice that things go in cycles and wait for signs of the upswing.
6. Listen to free music online so you don't have to buy more CDs.
7. Use your time on the internet to make money AND have fun at the same time.
8. Ignore the depressing news headlines, read the celebrity gossip and do the Soduku.
9. Don't gamble your money away, spend it all on exercise/sport equipment and buy a gym membership or join a sport-related club (Pillow Fighting maybe?).
10. Read the funnies.
11. Set aside some money to buy your favourite foods. You still have to eat, so why not make it something you really love.
12. Remember, all of your life's problems will seem small and insignificant after having sex. Unless of course you're impotent...
13. Whatever you do, don't commit a crime if you can't do the time.
14. If you do a crime, remember not to drop the soap.
Great review. This site is getting a lot of attention now. Hopefully it'll get better as she adds more posts - users can submit tips.