A smokeless cigarette looks remarkably like the real thing and includes a red light at one end to mimic the burning embers of a cigarette. It has a chamber for storing liquid nicotine, which is heated to a mist and inhaled into the lungs. As such smokeless products deliver nicotine without the tobacco and chemical additives that are linked to cancer and other health problems.
"Although these electronic smoking products may be marketed as a safer alternative to conventional tobacco products and, in some cases, as an aid to quitting smoking, electronic smoking products may pose risks such as nicotine poisoning and addiction," says Health Canada in an alert.
"Nicotine is hazardous to the health and safety of certain segments of the population such as children, youth, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with heart conditions, and the elderly," the agency adds.
So how does this justify the sale of nicotine patches, nicotine gum and similar nicotine products? They also cause addiction and related addiction-related health problems, but like smokeless cigarettes lack the carcinogenic elements.

Health Canada seems to have missed the point. Nicotine is legal. There are tonnes of nicotine products available on the market.
Health Canada has previously authorized the sale of a number of legal smoking cessation aids, including nicotine gum, nicotine patches, nicotine inhaler and nicotine lozenges. So why not smokeless nicotine cigarettes?
Many American & Canadian websites sell smokeless cigarettes online, so people still looking to buy nicotine refills can find them online.
These are not safe for your surroundings. They may be great for people who smoke, but people around you will suffer.
ReplyDeleteA woman I know spent the night in the hospital with nicotine poisoning after a man came into her shop puffing away on his electronic cigarette. She doesn't smoke and no one she lives with smokes. Where else would all that nicotine have come from?
She could have died because of this product. More testing is needed.
Oceaneyes you are making an assumption. What you said doesn't even make sense. If this woman got nicotine poisoning from a man smoking an e cig, then that guy must have been poisoned himself. And much worse since he was the one smoking it. If this happened in a shop, how long could this woman have been exposed?? Couldn't have been very long. I've been researching this & the only thing that comes out of an e cig is water vapour. Only the man could get the nicotine in his system. You have to be in direct contact with a high dose to get nicotine poisoniong. The only way to do this is to be directly in contact with liquid nicotine or ingest it or be exposed for long periods of time. If people could get nicotine poisoning the way you said this woman did, then why don't all the people living with smokers have nicotine poisoning???
ReplyDeletejust taking away the rights of people with addictions when life is based on addictions of else people would not buy as much food