He spoke of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's move to suspend Parliament rather than face a non-confidence vote that could topple his government and force him from office.
"Force him from office? You can do that? Because we've had no confidence in our guy for quite some time now. And he's taking forever to leave." Stewart half-whispered to the camera, referring to George W. Bush's record low approval ratings.
Stewart went on to say that Harper dodged the vote by suspending Parliament, but he still had to endure the wrath of outraged Canadians who took to our "incredibly tidy streets."
Stewart then showed video footage of a protester yelling, "what are you afraid of, sir?" at Stephen Harper. An incredulous Stewart mocked, "Sir? You're heckling him, it's not a job interview! Do you Canadians save all your obnoxious-ness for hockey games?"
Daily Show viewers were told of outgoing Liberal Leader Stephane Dion and the other opposition leaders getting together to sign a pact to hold a non-confidence vote on Monday, prompting Harper to head out into "either a hailstorm or some type of snow globe" to announce the decision to prorogue Parliament after meeting with the Governor General. Stewart then asked of Harper's seemingly immobile hair, "what kind of magical creature's hair doesn't get messed up in a hailstorm?"
But what really seemed to stop Stewart in his tracks was the role of the Governor General being the Queen's representative in Canada.
With that, he brought out various "senior correspondents" representing Canada, Britain and India, the latter of whom mocked Stephen Harper for still "running to mommy" whenever there's a problem.
Nice. I'd have liked to have seen that.